Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mix and Match

So rumors abound these days about various companies (e.g. Countrywide) nearing default. Suddenly it came to mind for me to use some of my past training as a credit quant. I'm sure you know by now, I trade primarily fixed income and currencies with some dabbling in commodities. Why am I looking at credit? Well, the credit problem is clearly driving all markets right now, but there's more to it than that. I was looking at specific credits (specifically an old model I once looked at on ABCP default rates). Stuff I can't trade at all.

So why spend time on this? Well, when it comes down to it more information helps everyone. As part of the team, if I can help anyone in the company, that's money in the bank (quite literally. . .unfortunately not money in my pocket though). Eventually I wouldn't be surprised to find myself trading a bit of credit as well. You can never foresee your career path, so there's no reason to limit your view at any time. If you're working in one area but you've found something interesting somewhere else, take some time to pursue it. Even if it's on your own time (as if often will be), that knowledge and that curiosity will serve you well in some role in the future. Who knows, it might even let you make a cross-division connection, which is how these large institutions justify their existence. People who can mix and match information and resources from across an organization are the ones who become leaders of organizations.

"Big picture, mate."

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