Friday, June 22, 2007

Taking Heat

Let's face it, Wall Street is not for the faint of heart. Tensions often run high and there's a lot of yelling and cussing. This is especially true when something gets fucked up. To be honest, if you're the type to get easily offended, this is not the place for you. You've got to be able to separate your interactions with people each day as if you were starting anew.

Grace under fire becomes key when you screw something up. The first thing to be done is to admit to your mistake. "Sorry, I screwed that up. I'll take full responsibility." Putting it straight out there when you realized the mistake is your best bet. If you know you can fix your mistake you can fix the mistake before you tell people, but even after you fix it you should tell your boss. "I screwed that up, but I minimized losses by. . . "

If your boss continues to reprimand you for the mistake after taking responsibility, that is fairly normal. Just listen and take in everything being said. Hidden among the curses is usually a suggestion on how the situation should have been handled. Don't say too much to your defense unless you are absolutely sure you're right and your boss is willing to listen. If your boss isn't going to listen anyway then saying anything might be like pouring water on an electrical fire (for those of you who don't know, pouring water on an electrical fire will only make matters worse).

Chances are you'll be a bit upset. Screwing up, losing money and getting yelled at are not easy things to deal with. Even the most stoic can get a little bit phased by the combination of the three. Trust me, I thought I was pretty emotionless in the face of adversity, but my first big loss definitley left me a bit shaken. Deciding to take a brief walk around the block is an excellent choice. Taking time to cool off before re-engaging is always admirable.

It's good not to screw up, but even the best of us do sometimes. Deal with it gracefully and your superiors will notice.


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Anonymous said...

man you have a blog?!?!

well i guess i should leave my name...


Anonymous said...

Great post, will come in handy when I start my job in 2 months time =)